
Below is the list of courses given by or with contribution from DTU Energy. To be directed to the description in the DTU Course Base, please click on the course number.
Kursusnr.      Titel Point (ECTS) Skemaplacering
10060 Physics (Polytechnical Foundation) 10 F, E
10063 Physics (Polytechnical Foundation) 10 F3A, E3A
10080 Physics for materials and energy 5 F3B
10209 X-ray and Neutron Experiments at International Research Facilities 5 June
10240 Design-Build 2: Rational catalyst design for General Engineering 5 June
10316 Materials design with machine learning and artificial intelligence 5 January
10339 Concepts in heterogeneous catalysis and applications to energy conversion 5 E3B
26020 Chemistry (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 E1A
27020 Bioengineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 E2A, F2A
41680 Introduction to advanced materials 5 F2B
41684 Materials technology 5 F2B
41685 Materials characterization and testing 5 F1B
38102 Technology Entrepreneurship 5 E1B
47201 Engineering thermodynamics 5 F4B
47202 Introduction to future energy 5 E4A
47203 Design-Build 3: solar cooker 5 January
47205 Electrochemical energy technologies 5 F5A
47209 3D imaging, analysis and modelling 5 E2B
47211 Electrochemical energy storage and Power2X 5 E2B
47212 Computer simulation of materials 5 E1B
47213 Introduction to Power-to-X (online) 5 F1B
47214 Introduction to future energy technologies (online) 5 E5A
47215 Rational design of a heat exchanger for solar cells (online) 5 January
47216 AI-orchestrated self-driving labs (Online) 5 June
47217 Introduction to Electrochemistry (online) 5 F1B
47301 Hydrogen energy and fuel cells 5 F1B
47302 Hydrogen and fuel cell chemistry - experimental course 5 January
47304 Ceramic science and engineering 10 F2
47305 Electrochemistry 5 F3A
47310 Battery materials and chemistries: from fundamental mechanisms to battery cells 5 E5B
47317 Exergy analysis 5 E1B
47319 Functional materials 5 F1A
47330 Energy storage and conversion 5 E1A
47332 AI-orchestrated self-driving labs 5 June
47333 Electron microscopy for materials science 5 E3A
47334 Carbon capture, utilization, and storage 5 F3A
47335 Atomic-scale modelling of energy materials (online) 5 F4B
47336 Applications of X-ray and neutron scattering in biology, chemistry, and physics 5 August
47338 Organic energy materials 5 E5A
47339 Solid state and structural chemistry 5 E1A
47507 PhD course in introduction to low-temperature fuel cells and electrolyser 3 OutsideSchedule
47508 PhD course in introduction to batteries 3 OutsideSchedule
47509 PhD course in introduction to SOFC and SOEC 3 OutsideSchedule
47511 CINEMAX: 3D modelling and imaging of material microstructure - PhD summer school 5 OutsideSchedule
47513 PhD course in modern energy research 7.5 E, E4B
47514 PhD course in advanced electrochemistry 5 E2A
47517 PhD course in how to make a scientific poster 2.5 June
47519 PhD course in sustainable electrofuels and -chemicals 5 F1B
47520 Training in experimental and/or theoretical methods – 3 point version 3 OutsideSchedule
47521 Training in experimental and/or theoretical methods – 5 point version 5 OutsideSchedule
47522 Reviewing scientific literature 5 OutsideSchedule
47523 Scientific conference participation 3 OutsideSchedule
47525 Scientific code of conduct and data management 2.5 OutsideSchedule
47527 PhD course Hydrogen - a journey into key technologies, logistics and economy 2.5 OutsideSchedule